Getting Started

Connecting to the Cronos mainnet Beta

First of all we would need to connect the MetaMask with the Cronos chain network:

  • Hit the my account button in the top right corner, under "Settings", select "Networks"

  • In the "Networks" page, click "Add Network":

  • Insert the network name, for example "ethermint" and put

    • for New RPC URL; and

    • 25 for Chain ID,

    • CRO for the symbol, and

    • for the Block explorer URL as below:

  • After saving the network config, we should be able to see the token in your address!

Setting up Swapp CRO token in Metamask Cronos RPC

Contract Address: 0x245a551ee0F55005e510B239c917fA34b41B3461

1. Ensure that you are on the Cronos Mainnet and click on import tokens

2. Enter the contract address into the prompt and then hit "Add Custom Token"

3. You should see the SWAPP token pop up like visualized below, then hit import tokens

4. Once you have imported the tokens you are good!

Resetting your account on Metamask

If you come across any issue with your account or you have used the imported account to perform transactions in the legacy testnet, you can reset it by using the Reset Account function on the MetaMask.

Simply go to Setting/Advance and click Reset Account as shown below:

Last updated